Monday, November 24, 2008

Trevor's 1st Shot

Just a little background, at first I was really skeptical about taking Trevor to get his shots because of what others had told me. At the time, I did all of the negative research on immunizations which was probably not the brightest thing I have ever done, but being a first time mom I was depending on other mothers' guidance. Do not get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinion and just because I have swayed a different way now, does not necessarily mean the other side is wrong. I have just found that this is best for my sweet Trevor. Now that I have started a play group and Trevor goes EVERYWHERE with us, I feel it is vital that he have these shots that protect him. I did not realize the diseases that are out there among kids. And where shots can have a negative effect on babies, that is a 1 in a million chance and mostly happens when they have 4 or more shots at a time, before 4 months of age. So I prayed about it and I feel very confident that this is the right thing to do.

Trevor had his first shot on Friday. I was so nervous for him because I didn't want him to hurt. Well, my prayers were answered and he actually laughed when he got his shot! The nurse had him so distracted that he did not even realize what happened. Even though I massaged the area, he still had some swelling and redness, but that was the only negative effect. Now we just have 2 more shots to catch up. I hope he laughs every time. Here are some pictures of his sweet, smiling face the evening after his shot. He is such a trooper.

1 comment:

MEG said...

WOW - he laughed? Sheesh!

Before Axton was born I had a mother tell me to be careful that the Dr. gives my baby the correct doses for immunizations. That's ridiculous. First of all, how am I supposed to know what the correct dose is? 2nd, they come pre-loaded. There is so much advise when the baby comes and most of it is crap.

I think you are very wise in doing your own research and making a decision based on what you feel is best for your boy.