Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Seals

I am so excited! Jason and I signed up for this thing called Summer Seals. A guy we go to church with started it a couple of summers ago. It is almost like a triathlon, but more. This is also the first summer they are allowing girls to compete. It is a 500m swim, then you have to do as many pull-up, push-ups and sit-ups in 2 minutes each, and finally you have to run a mile and a half.

So I didn't even know how to swim a few weeks ago, but with the help of several friends, I am getting there. I can do the 500m, but not very quickly. I can do the push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups, but only the minimums and I am shooting for the max in each category. As far as running I am not quite down to 9 min and 30 sec., but I am pretty sure I can get there.

You know, I have always been into working out. Lately, I have been doing the P90X program, but I have to say swimming and old school sit-ups have kicked my butt for several days now worse than P90X ever has. I have pushed my body and certain muscles to a whole new limit. I have lost about an inch in my waist and 7 lbs. Craziness! Jason of course is a guy so he is nailing everything pretty much.

Also, if I get the money together I will be doing a marathon with an old friend down in Kemah. I totally can't wait because it will be my first one. I have always wanted to train for one, but never really had the motivation or someone to do it with. Hopefully I will get to update on this later:)

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