Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So I am about 15 again:) No it is not actually that bad. I had clear braces put on yesterday that have a tiny wire that is hardly visible. Right now I am quite uncomfortable, but the pain should go away by tomorrow. It isn't a throbbing pain, but it is a very irritating pain. They did the top yesterday and in 6 weeks they will be doing the bottom.

I am actually really excited about them and I don't feel as self conscious as I thought I would. Mostly because everyone I have seen hasn't even noticed them until I said something. Plus it is worth the sacrifice. I have been wanting braces for about 14 years now desperately and thanks to my sweet Husband I now have them. Merry early Christmas present to me! This gift I will definitely remember forever.

Thanks Jason!

1 comment:

Cody said...

You can't even see them in the picture! Lol.