Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Share three of your joys, fears, goals, current obsessions, regrets & facts about yourself...
Then, tag five more people.


1. Jason
2. Trevor
3. Making people happy
1. Something bad happening to any of my family
2. Something bad happening to any of my friends
3. Not being able to make my family proud
1. Be in the best shape ever before my next baby
2. Be a better wife each and every day
3. Finish school
Current Obsessions:
1. Working out
2. Time with Jason since it is not very much
3. Learning all that I can to be a smarter SAHM
I don't have regrets. Everything that has happened in my life was for a good reason. I am who I am today because of the mistakes I have made. I can not change the past I can only shape the future.
Facts about me:
1. I am going to be 25 in November!
2. I will take sunshine & beaches over snow & mountains anyday
3. Jason is the love of my life

I tag Cody, Megan, Libby, Kristen & Stephanie!


Cody said...

I responded to your tag my friend!

Jessop Family said...

Allright I'll do it. Hey Meghan Keck is having a younger crowd play date at her house on Friday @ 10 am. Here's her address 19131 Austin Bluff Lane, Tomball, 77377. Hope you can come. Tara Sal is coming too.

Cody said...

Jigga Tiffany. You are the shiznite yo!

MEG said...

Hey, how did you guys fare during the storm?

Are you coming out for Mary's wedding? Will you stay with us?!

MEG said...

PS. I really like your background...